Poetry Books
Follow up to "Perspectives of the Dream" including poems written before that just didn't make the cut in "PotD" and poems explicitly written around the time or for this collection. Centers around themes such as spirituality, personal and collective ascension, the mind/body connection, sickness...
Poetry Collection
Anthology of literaruture about culutural issues in today's society.
The Silent Song of the Crows
Poetic story of an Indonesian woman, living in Mumbai, India for a period.
Poems of My Life
It is a collection of poem that I wrote.
Some Poems
This is the free ebook version of my third collection of poems, first time self-publishing. These poems were written to be both picked apart and interpreted freely, and are under strict instructions to toy with your brain if you don't. Some praise: “Oli is a copiously talented young poet...
Metamorphosis and Rebirth
Twenty-five experimental poems in broken English. Because every day, every hour that I scan your face, I feel the same act of life, the same imperceptible avalanche of emotions, that keeps the instant before the wave touches the sand.
An Anthology of Creative Writings Published Under A Creative Commons License
Perspectives of the Dream
A collection of poems written by the author during the period of 2005-2012. Fleshes out areas of the human condition, sexuality, dream sequences, and consciousness which not many others dare to explore. Also includes a few scattered rantings from the author about the world we live in and the way...
Event Horizon
Christone Bartener - Event Horizon
Horyzont Zdarzeń
Poetry by Christone Bartener in Polish