A Refuge Found by J.C. Fuentes - HTML preview

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The World In Black and White


 Imagine a world in black and white,

Where your choices were left to yes and no,

Where there were only two way streets,

Nothing but lefts and rights,

Ups and downs,

This way and that,

Smiles and frowns,

No mixed emotions,

No confusion or perplexing ideas,

Simply life,

Now imagine a life- filled with life,

Different thoughts and ideas splash color on the world,

People exchange conversations that twist and turn like a serpent caught in a snare,

No one person is right yet they are neither wrong,

The world spins and seasons change,

Sometimes we get unexpected changes such as warm winters and rain in July,

Thus is life,

You can wish that things were simpler but the essence of our existence remains,

There is and will continue to be commotion.

And that is a good thing.

Normal, as they say, is boring,

We need spontaneity, and conflict.

Perfection is real,

It is found in every single imperfection displayed by this world,

Bask in the knowledge that each day will be different,

And contemplate your thoughts in depth,

This will bring you more questions yes,

But the asking of questions leads to the finding of answers.