As I See It by Christine Stromberg - HTML preview

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Perhaps we are but parasites

upon the face of this old earth

who, now and then, reacts

destroying quite a lot of us


It seems insane

that we should want

to aid her in her task.



If I like you and you like me

why is it that we can't agree

to differ?


To kill for all the paltry reasons

people trot out plausibly

is such a waste of life.

Insanity indeed.



All of us fear what we don't understand

- just watch a dog or a cat -

but that's no reason to kill the thing.

What kind of madness is that?



We put our cats and dogs to sleep

when they're too sick to survive

so why are we so intent on keeping

suffering folk alive?

We insist the terminally ill should live

while healthy babies are killed;

this is the kind of insanity

that leaves my spirit chilled.



Human life is sacred or so the laws decree

what makes us so special? Because we have superior

communication skills we really reckon ourselves

we lord it over everything and think we can call the shots.

A kind of megalomania?