As I See It by Christine Stromberg - HTML preview

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Running Out of Time


What sort of people wantonly wreak havoc on the place they live?

Such feckless, reckless, ill-advised behaviour has me baffled.


This better life we strive for,  how will it save us

from tornadoes, floods and hurricanes,  the whole environment in turmoil?


The planet warms, the ice sheets melt, the sea increases giving rise

to stronger winds and heavier rain, loss of land and life.


Weather systems all awry means death for many; starving, fighting,

fire and brimstone, hell on earth unless we make some changes.


To bring down mother nature's wrath upon our heads is foolishness,

yet still we close and eyes and smile, pretend it isn't happening.


When all around is chaos maybe then we'll stop and contemplate

then look into the faces of our children and despair.