Attempted Poetry by Andre Michael Pietroschek - HTML preview

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Final Experiment: A fantasy epitaph & a freestyle fantasy prose

The roleplaying side of the Force was wrong in me? ;-)

A Half-Orc Bard's Epitaph
© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved
Inspired by Robert Burns and Dungeons & Dragons
Concept: Attempted Epitaph
Is there another whimsy, Elven fool,
Hellbent on insisting to solemnly rule,
Or subtly hate, and quite lazily drool,
Let him draw blood;
Dear audience may throw a stool,
To stop my muse's flood.
Oh fellow bards of crudest poetry,
Who you inspire and seduce the Shy,
This lament is for all to see,
Don't heedlessly pass by!
But, as last honor, with dignity,
Here, wave goodbye.
Is there a man, whose heart is free
Who inspires us how life is to steer,
Trapped, himself, in life's monetary decree,
Remember this and have a beer!
For the pleasure he gave,
Please honor this grave.
The mourned inhabitant, buried below,
Was quick to fight, no craven shame,
And keenly faced the friendly blow,
Due to his softer frame;
Our too martial follies laid him low,
And robbed his chance for fame!

A Thorwalson braves Spookwood
(Fan poem about 'The Dark Eye' roleplaying)
© Andrè M. Pietroschek, alle rights reserved

His loving wife could not accompany him on the quest,
she had to guard their home from any unwelcome guest.
Still the dread legend of the Spookwood was his path,
for no ghostly forest should teach Swafnir the 'math'!
Armed with battleaxe and shield he ventures forth,
facing the horror of the night in the frozen North.
Because no horror of our sacred fatherland Thorwal,
could send more folk than cowardice itself to hell.
Damp fog suddenly arises, as if by dragon's breath,
the brain assailed by raptures of dread and death.
Still unshaken the bold son of Thorwal marches on,
for a loud werewolf's howl offers a duel to be won.
Berserk robber or moonlight skald it will be known,
unveiling a truth by combat as it'll be soon shown.
The frosty fey, she witnesses like worried wives,
as Norse and werewolf foolishly risk their lives.
Indeed the Thorwalson overcame that raging beast,
a close call, leaving the carcass as crow's feast.
Now the ice fey nears, enthralled by her curiosity,
'Behave, ghost lady, I rest and bleed as courtesy.
Her lethal kiss, she thinks it merely Rahja's gift,
but Norse choice of duty before death comes swift.
To banish this ethereal visitor it needs a shake,
mixed from salt and warding oil of the mandrake!
The witch observes it with a smirk, this man's way,
for this night it is not the time to curse or slay!
'I spare your life, if you'll swear to me this night,
you won't return here until it is by divine right.'
A man of honor the Thorwalson proudly takes his leave,
the witch watches him, then retreats stealthy like a thief.
Returning home he sees his armed wife as she had sworn,
That long night, dear child, we ensured you will be born!