Blue and Purple by Francis Neilson - HTML preview

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TAKE every joy my nature holds,

Take every bliss my heart enfolds;

Come, capture every one,

While youth and beauty run,

Locked in each other’s lithesome arms—

Like flowers entwined.

Cast from thy mind

Those fearful, hindering alarms.

Take, to the last deep drop,

Nor think when you would stop,

My strength’s rich wine.

Love made divine

The rapturous blood of me for you.

Red, full and bright,

Like Vallambrosa’s vineyard dew

On autumn’s night.

My mind explore, its treasures take,

So long as joy is there

To find, and leave it bare

Of every thought that might awake

New transports in your soul—

Then break the empty bowl,

So no one else may use

The vessel, should one choose.

My body clean and sweet enjoy,

’Twas made to serve your least delight,

And when at last our passions cloy,

In one fierce moment, rise and smite

With withering scorn,

And leave it shorn

Of all its energy and force.

Then, blasted, reel it down death’s course.

My soul? Nay, that, my love, you cannot hurt,

For it is thee. Look, and it will assert

Your image like a faithful stream,

Reflecting every feature of your form,

Showing the slightest, quickest gleam

From eyes which make it pass from cold to warm.

It is, O love, your heart, your pulse, your breath,

And only in your loss can it know death!

Here I surrender all my mind,

My heart, my body, all you find

In thought, in blood, in flesh, to serve thee well

In giving heaven—then, thou, consign to hell

Whate’er is left of me.

E’en then my joy shall be—

That it was wrecked by thee.