Conversations After Midnight by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Uncle Kelly’s 2nd Book


Trust me.
I know exactly what you’re thinking.
Settle down. I’m not a psychic or a guru.
I’m a Kelvin and I happen to know that you’re saying yourself, “he’s just like all those other guys trying to sell their books.”
Well, let me me make a slight correction to this line of thinking.
I don’t give a hoot about those other guys and I sure don’t want to sell their books.
No sir. I only want to sell my own books.
That’s why I wrote this description in fact.
Now that I’ve got your attention and established that I’m an honest and upfront kinda guy, I should really tell you more about the product that I’m pitching to you.
Uncle Kelly’s 2nd Book of...Wisdom?
Yep. That’s the title alright, but what is it all about? Well, I’m glad you asked me that. This questionable book includes a healthy helping of humor, satire, drama and all genres in between. Not only that, these genres are expressed through essays, pictures, flash-fiction, micro-fiction, one-liners and even some poetry.
“Wow! If it includes all those wonderful things, why do you say it’s a questionable book?”
Aha. I knew you would say that!
Settle down. I’m still not a Psychic...but on dark stormy nights, I can see long as they’re in my line of vision anyway.
Ahem. What I’m trying to say is, this book was written to provoke questions...and by asking questions we come to discover answers. Therefore, it is without question...a questionable book is the best kind of book.
Wait a minute...I know what you’re thinking...nah I don’t.
But when you get this book, you’ll know exactly what I’m thinking...and isn’t that better than having ME know what YOU are thinking? Frankly, I think so...but then, I’m biased, aren’t I?
On the other hand, have you ever read an advertisement that wasn’t biased?