Dancing on Pop Music by Rodica Dragomirescu - HTML preview

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I’m the ocean, you’re the sea,

That’s how things were meant to be.

I am deep, but so are you,

Still, there’s one thing I can do,


So that you shall fall for me:

I will dance under a tree

With my eyes closed and say:

-Oh God, this shall be my pray:


Let the music play in heaven

And on earth and let us seven

Days and nights just dance together!

Bring us the glorious weather


Of the spring and of the summer!

Let her heart become a flamer,

Let my body become proof

Of my love and of my truth!


While we’ll dance she’ll be my wife,

My steps will become a knife

In her heart, she’ll feel desire

And the everlasting fire


Of true love will overwhelm her.

To reach for mine and to whisper

Will her lips try. With no fear

She’ll confess love. Let my ear


Be blessed with this magic music

And the deepness of fantastic

Sensations will make us dance,

Like we never had the chance


To accomplish until now!

On music I’ll make my bond

And also listen to hers

And so will the universe,


Because love gives him his sense

And his meaning for existence,

As the music does for dancing,

As for writers does their writing,


As the stars do for the sky,

As hope always makes us try,

As the winter does for fall

And as you do for us all!