Dear Lover, by Lori Jenessa Nelson - HTML preview

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Dear Lover,

turn all the lights on
put fire to candles
open the windows
let in the sun

I need to see your face clearly
for a harsh comparison
to a real lover
for you aren’t him
a subtle lust consumes the body
with your hand around my neck
choking me, choke me harder
I still remember how
his hand caressed my throat
as my pulse reached up to meet
his fingertips. you slap me
tears stinging my eyes with a wild growl
his hand traced the lines of
my liquid form
mesmerizing, lulling
pulling the socks from my tickled feet
and following the line up
and up until
his fingers caught in my curls
his thumb drawing circles of eternities
on my cheek with promising intensity
you drag me across satin sheets
mounting and thrusting in a single beat
fingers digging into my hips
groaning, “Baby,”
grunting,  “Baby,
you're so tight.”

His body hugged mine as he slid
up, up, and up
his name caught in my breath, throat
heart thudding, pounding
against my chest
his fingers knit my fingers
our fingers knotted, tangled, crocheted
impossibly together
we were a creation, the creation
a sweater that hid our hearts
in a secret place,
a garden of sinful intimacy
and he plucked
the apple of my being
and swallowed my core
and he inside me
was completion
my name was on his tongue
his hands told stories of
a beauty not bound by time
his thumbs smudged off safety
goggles of eyeliner
his lips took the stain of my lipstick…
his kisses sprinkling, raining
pouring incessantly across my face
and I come
the world is blackening at its edges
I suck back the name on my tongue
and remember
his whispers, my sighs
you are not my lover
but the guy I’m fucking for a moment