Facing the Beast by Jackie Bluu - HTML preview

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facing the beast



Funerals are useless gatherings for perfect strangers to

crash your home and eat all your food, all the while boasting

about the wonderful person they hardly knew and blah blah



Did you even know his favorite color?


And here comes the all too familiar




Of how hes in a better place and that it was Gods will.


According to the ancient anthology written by a bunch


of chauvinistic, old horny men over the course of many


centuries, better known as the Bible,’ “God is a jealous




But how can God be the very thing that is considered a sin

in the very same book written to spread the word... of



I think God is a hypocrite if you ask me.


And it is Gods will to take peoples lives at any point in

time, in any given manner, for no particular reason other

than... his own jealously selfish satisfaction???


I think God is a murderer if you ask me.