From The Bottom Of My Heart by Arghya Dey - HTML preview

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Farewell                                                           (1)

The yachts

Taking down stormy winds

While in river-

Battling fickleness of minds

Along with swirling tides

Prepare their hulls

For a tryst with ocean,

With flocks of seagulls

Pointing new sea-shores

Discovered by no ship;

Though yachts are to reach

The destinations through hardship.




The river

Bidding adieu to each yacht,

Tinged in plethora of emotions

But with content heart

Wishes all the best

For their new voyage

To discover islands anew-

Though it has to camouflage

The tears in its flow

With hopes cherished high

To meet them again

When they touch the sky.


Sonnet on stealing


She stole his famous car

Outside the restaurant

When he was drinking beer

To absorb daily resentment.


She drove it all night

And was stopped by police.

‘Is anything not right?’

‘Please show your license, miss.’


One cop pointed out, ’Fellas!

The number plate…it’s of commissioner;

As usual, he will shout at us

If anymore we harass her…


You must be his new pal, good night,’

In meantime, she was out of sight.




I won’t bring you


I won’t bring you moons or stars

Like those ordinary lovers

As you are


Than your distant twin sisters.






I can be a dog

To smell your fragrance

But can you be bitch?




After the break up


After the break up,

She felt free

That the stupid fellow

Will not disturb

And try to call her

Ever again.


But little does she know

That she is still

Jailed in the heart of her


Still talking to him
