Guide to Sydney Crime by Les Wicks - HTML preview

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Louise Wakeling

The man in the dark suit 


that hot summer night her key was lost   

did he find it    does he keep it taped

in a diary at the back of a drawer  

waiting to come back     try every door

in the street — until the key fits     

turns in the lock    


her neck wears its ribband of bruises

thylacine stripes on her throat

where the shoelace bruised her skin

marks slowly fading in the weeks after


how every step brought him closer

and closer   the man in the dark suit 

the face she never saw    squat neck

ears flap-angled from his head  

the empty allotment behind her  

rusting car bodies slumped in the grass  


she goes through the actions    reactions   

why me    why would anyone

want to kill me   all the things

the world tells you   I should have done

anything but get on that train   

rewinds over and over  

what stops her crossing any bridge

in the dark    the sound of his breathing  

her own screams afterwards

cutting through the night air

and all the while the indifferent

swish-swish of passing cars   

