Hide and Seek - Part 1 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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13. BATH


When i took a bath in red acrylic paint,

my body resembled the sun fading in murky horizons of dusk.


when i drenched myself with coal tar liquid,

snow white patches of my skin transited to ghastly black.


when i sprinkled buckets of rotten vegetable juice in plenty,

i smelt like i had last bathed in innocent childhood.


when i rolled wildly in mud lying in fresh pools of rain,

multiple pores of my body went berserk in heated euphoria.


when i poured large cans of honey extracted from bee-hive,

my body became a breeding place for red ant and worm.


when i swam in white icy waters of the mountain stream,

i shivered incessantly with a plethora of goose-bumps instantly formed.


When I submerged myself in a tank of steaming acid,

soft layers of flesh got denuded of silky hair.


when I engulfed myself in churned green chili juice,

i felt live currents of electricity circulating through my blood.


when I sprayed petrol with high pressured hose,

entangled mass of my intestine vomited settled food granules.


And finally when I stood beneath a shower oozing gold coin,

I felt this bath should go on for decades immemorial.