Hide and Seek - Part 1 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Glistening golden sands of the beach,

A lunch box for venomous crabs,

Stormy waves dispatching sheets of salt,

With metallic clangs on crab shell,

Prompting elaborate spread of noxious tentacles,

Temporary dislocating the gallant brown spider,

Into well spun cocoons of slippery mud.

The sea recedes ,a van stops on adjoining asphalt,

A trio of school kids step out beamingly,

Dressed in luxurious flannel beach wear,

With firm fitted and triangular caps,

Innocent wrists wound with water proof time,

And flying saucers whirled with speed,

In gleeful anticipation of splashing rockets,

Of salt water on their bare backs,

Shouts of laughter,articulately made sandcastles,

Big chunks of sand gliding harmlessly,

Past mischivious facial contours,

Utter amazement at encountering fossils,

Moulded marine green, with faded exteriors,

Hungry sipping of coconut water,

Causing vertical oscillations of adams apple,

And chorused singing of nursery rhymes,

Accompanied by the skipping rope flying high,

And fishing boats fast approaching,

Oh! Yes the toddlers were having a ball of a time.

A sudden yelp rises in the air,

Led by immediate collapse of tiny feet,

Baby white skin, with a tinge of blue poison,

As dirty brown spider stings unripened flesh,

With pointed crusts of hairy legs,

Inserting paltry vials of crab poison,

Spreading slowly through circuitous blood,

Divesting it of precious oxygen,

Cautioning all on sea sand,

Highlighting effects of crab poison.