Hide and Seek - Part 1 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The heart had ceased to beat completely,

the eyes didn’t move a fraction of centimeter,

juxtaposed arteries of blood had frozen midway,

twin pairs of lips lay partially open to the filtering Sunlight,

breaths emanating from nostrils had disappeared into oblivion,

there was no sweat formed on sensitive zones of body,

the expurgation of fluids had been completely sealed,

fresh buds of skin vehemently refrained from taking birth,

tender sacs of lungs now lay lifeless,

nut shells of kidney no longer toiled to produce saline water,

glittering contours of teeth showed signs of decay,

robust patches of flesh had transited to a ghastly white,

his body lay lifeless staring altruistically at me, bereft of traces of emotion.


i had loved him more than i could love God,

his scent had mesmerized dormant chambers of my inner being,

alas! he no longer walked on the ripened soil of the lawns,

a brutal mishap had snatched him away from the bloodcurling embrace of my arms,

i had thereafter preserved his dead body in a pool of antiseptic,

the hair still grew in abundance,

his beard had now multiplied to astronomical proportions,

it was almost a month since he had exited for his heavenly abode,

i still didnt feel like burying him,wanting to keep him close to my heart,

for the remainder of my life.