Hide and Seek - Part 3 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The opalescent moon was jealous of the flaming Sun,

as the former provided dazzling light; with Herculean amounts of comfort in the day.


the desolate piece of stone was jealous of the colossal mountain,

as it was minuscule in size; often kicked contemptuously by ongoing people.


the perennial jungle river was jealous of the denim blue ocean,

as it was unable to bear the weight of titanic ships; as its counterpart was

able to do with nonchalant ease.


the century old typewriter was jealous of the hi-tech gizmo of computer,

as it was bereft of sparkling chips of memory; considered as outdated by the

youthful chunk of contemporary society.


sapphire blue patches in the sky were jealous of blotted grey clouds,

as they simply didn’t have the capacity of blessing the earth with pelting showers of rain.


the ever reliable twin pedaled bicycle was jealous of motorized cars,

as it was divested of powers to transgress beyond extreme speed limits.


the evanescent flames of candlelight were jealous of the ceiling bulb,

as they weren't blessed with the prowess of illuminating acres of pitch dark night.


large jerry-cans of fruit juice were jealous of pure water,

as they stumbled to quench thirst; the mystical way water did.


frigid strands of grey hair were jealous of bulky floss of glistening black,

as they highlighted the old and feeble; which was not even shades nearer to the flamboyant young.


the decade old tortoise was jealous of the aquatic fish,

as it simply couldn't walk fast; perching in its claustrophobic shell all Sunlit day.


undulating moulds of clay were jealous of smooth carpets of road,

as they flunked miserably to impersonate the charisma produced by flat land.


hard slices of bacterial bread were jealous of the chocolate cake blended with plums,

as they lacked the ingredients to deliver appetizing taste.


shiny denominations of coin were jealous of exorbitant currency notes,

as they were maltreated; being stashed in dingy compartments of purse.


the honey colored nimble deer was jealous of the menacing striped panther,

as it was overwhelmingly defeated in its attempts of being crowned the king of jungle.


black complexioned individuals were jealous of their fairer counterparts,

as they were gazed down upon as inferiors; with racial discrimination plaguing them for majority of their lives.


while i was intractably jealous of the boy next door,

who made unscrupulous advances to the girl i loved,

initiating me to stand like a pillar; between her immaculate heart,

and the demonic glare he unleashed intransigently riveted on her persona.