Hide and Seek - Part 4 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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White specks of dust were visible floating in the air,

as acrimonious beams of sunshine filtered through the dark room.


golden splinters of sawdust flew in bountiful amounts,

as the serrated periphery of carpenter file, sank deep in the body of rich slabs of mahogany wood.


granules of silver sand blew gustily in the air,

colliding with the eyeball at turbulent velocities,

as volatile bursts of wind hoisted them high in the air,

blessing them magnanimous degrees of elevation.


morbid chunks of graveyard soil stuck to my boots,

as i trespassed the solitary mass of humid land,

weaving my way through a network of coffins,

bearing crucified souls of those buried alive during war.


i lost ergonomic proportions of poise and balance,

hurtling face down towards rock iron sheets of ground concrete,

as my feet caressed disdainful cakes of cow dung plaster,

the slimy sheath of natural manure prompting me to fall like a pack of cards.


my skin glittered like pure gold,

infinite arenas of my flesh exhibited looks of freshly painted silver,

there was a mystical radiance overflowing from my eyes,

as i soaped myself vigorously with handfuls of richly scented fertile mud.