Hide and Seek - Part 4 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I inadvertently broke sparkling glass panes; while playing cricket,

blurted a pathetic sorry to the outrageous occupants,

before they could take evasive action of slapping me on my face.


i tickled my little brother with curled strokes of pigeon feather,

said an innocent sorry when he was on the verge of erupting into a volley of abuse.


i woke my mother from tranquil realms of midnight sleep,

demanding ravishing items to devour as a feast,

uttered a condoling sorry; when she was on the pinnacle of gaining complete consciousness.


i gulped nightmarish amounts of scotch whisky,

swung my body like a person strangulated by uninhibited emotion,

whispered a down to earth sorry when the cops caught me red-handed.


i brusquely collided head on with the milkman carrying pails of fresh cream,

toppling them on the ground; with rivulets of milk radiating all over,

said iterative numbers of sorry; thoroughly condemning my irate act.


i sketched egg shaped cartoons of my balding math’s teacher,

pasting the graffiti on the walls for all to relish,

blurted a timidly echoing sorry; when he raised the cane to whip my satiny flesh.


i fought like wild cats with my beloved in the day,

causing incorrigible agony to her throbbing heart,

kissed her forehead; saying a sorry which came from deep within my conscience,

to see her smiling with the same intensity with which she first wept.