Hide and Seek - Part 6 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The venomous black beetle stung naked patches of innocuous skin; injecting paltry vials of its poison,

Was considered a deleterious hazard; had people swishing at it with entwined broomsticks,

Yet when the time arrived to sleep; she took refuge in the dainty petals of crimson rose.


The alligator revealed its ghastly teeth in the brilliant Sunlight; decimated the animate and inanimate in its proximity,

Mercilessly slaughtered scores of humans; clusters of big fish,

Yet when the time arrived to sleep; it took refuge in the sedately tranquil waters of the jungle stream.


The multilegged spider entangled innumerable insects with glow; devouring the same with tumultuous relish,

Annihilating its prey; submerging it in its piquantly bitter juice,

Yet when the time arrived to sleep; it took refuge in the compassionate leaves of the tree; silken threads of its mesmerizing web.


The mystical reptile slithered stealthily through the bushes; furtively  pilfering the eggs of the mother bird,

Raising its hood high at oblivious trespassers; striking them with its toxic fangs,

Yet when the time arrived to sleep; it took refuge in the immaculate dark burrows of the nimble ground.


The ruffled grey lizard traversed up the wall at electric speeds,

Capsizing its prey in a vise like grip; crunching it viciously in its jaws,

Yet when the time arrived to sleep; it took refuge in the hollow of the tree;

camouflaged a little by moisture from the soil.


The impeccable little infant cried unrelentingly all day; banging his tiny fists in

the cradle,

Inundating spotless sheets of cloth; with natural spray of disdainful


Yet when the time arrived to sleep; it took blissful refuge; nestling within the warm arms of his mother.


All of us inhabiting the earth inadvertently commit a plethora of mistakes,

Sometimes not adhering to the sacrosanct norms laid by society; indignantly stamping our feet at frugal issues,

Yet when the time arrives to perish from this earth and sleep; we all take refuge in the magnanimous shadow of the omniscient Creator.