Hide and Seek - Part 6 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I leapt audaciously from the balcony rail; hurtling at full speeds towards the obdurate ground,

However I escaped without a scar to my skin; and all my bones solidly agglutinated to each other.


I plummeted from the top floor of the edifice; increasing my velocity as I approached the ground,

However I got up instantly a few seconds after the fall; smiling frivolously at the austere Sun.


I jumped from the aircraft flying at unprecedented heights; floating gradually towards the earth,

However when I did land; I thoroughly maintained my stoicism; and refrained to cry.


I plunged from unfathomable heights of the diving board into the pool; cascading as straight as an arrow into the waters,

However as I fell with a thunderous roar; I swam up to the surface feeling unperturbed by the commotion.


I tripped inadvertently from the roof while playing; heading in perfect alignment with the rocky stones,

However my flesh didn’t bleed neither did my eyes tear; even after the deafening impact.


I was pushed into the thousand feet deep well by a bunch of miscreants; as my cries echoed through the slimy walls,

However as I tasted the blend of frog and dead fish; I still escaped unhurt and with an enchanting glow in my eyes.


I flung myself from the tall tree to flee from the venomous reptiles; diving head on towards an assemblage of wildly sprawled thorns,

However after landing I gazed pacifically at the opalescent moon; unfazed and relishing my close proximity with the thorns.


I stepped out of the speeding train; catapulting several kilometers before I came to a state of inertia,

However at last when I discovered my breath; there were no signs at all of broken bones or deadly fracture.


Well I think the time is conducive to reveal the secret that lay imprisoned in my heart,

I had worn large rings of coiled springs completely encompassing my back,

Flocculent foams of Dunlop compactly fitted to my persona; with satin balls of cotton clinging like a new born to my cheek,

The cotton and coiled springs had saved me on umpteenth an occasion; granting me a chance to live and profoundly admire the beauty that I saw.