Hide and Seek - Part 6 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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O! Mother why do you shed your costly tears for me?

I’m horrid and of no use to this world,

With every unforgiving minute to my credit,

And the agony of my presence; causing tears to your eyes,

Those eyes which once oozed tears of ebullient happiness and joy,

Newness and excitement,

With the past memories reflecting poignantly in them,

And the most moisture engulfing them; making those tears more costly and inimitably priceless.


Please close your eyes,

For I have not the strength; to see your sorrow pouring out,

Just for the sake of a wretched boy,

Those holy white drops of your pain; purify the area on which they fall,

Creating tremors of faith,

Depicting your immortal glory to all.

Your eyes are so astoundingly beautiful,

Weren’t meant to cry,

But to enjoy the tears of ecstasy gushing out instead,

Every instant; creating sweet rivulets of love,

Away from my unearthly soul,

In a blissful world you would like to live in,

Leaving my disgraceful form; in the hands of the supreme form.


My every unpardonable deed,

Leads me to those pointed thorns, where I await my harsh destiny.

O ! Dear mother please don’t cry,

Don’t waste the wonderful years of your life,

For a coward like me, uncaring, unloving, causing misery to your impeccable heart,

Leave this devilish character,

Far away from your mesmerizing shadow,

Giving those eternal eyes of yours some rest,

But for heaven sake please don’t cry.