Hide and Seek - Part 6 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When the colossal dinosaur traversed through the marshy soil; there occurred a

deafening roar; the entire family of jungle beasts saluted him,

However he left behind a trail of triangular footprints; bohemian and gigantic; that made onlookers uneasy; by merely glimpsing the same.


When the hunch backed camel ambled languidly through the desert; I paid him

flowing tributes of adulation; for unceasingly bearing the tyranny of scorching heat,

However he left behind a semicircular array of footprints; which appeared

pretty insipid and nonchalant.


When the stray dog ran across the wet road; he was a sight to stare; with his

furry coat now camouflaged in muddy water,

However he left behind a battalion of messy footprints; which caused disdainful blemishes on the surface.


When the handsome horse galloped across the racetrack; he looked majestic and

grandiloquent; panting with spurts of exuberant energy,

However he left behind an incongruous design of footprints which were crudely

square in shape; punctuating cavities in the hard ground.


When the olive green and serrated skinned crocodile slithered through the

river banks; he looked domineering and awe inspiring,

However he left behind an armory of deadly footprints; which caused sumptuous

food in the belly of innocuous trespassers to violently churn.


When the protuberant bellied ducks paraded through clayey farm mud; they

appeared a sight to feast on; with their yellow beaks dazzling brilliantly in

the Sun,

However they left behind a jugglery of diamond shaped footprints; which

perpetuated incorrigible stains in the spotless kitchen.


When the black striped panther aimlessly loitered through the tropical grass; he looked like a royal prince; embodied with the whitest of silken whisker,

However he left behind a fleet of monstrously incoherent footprints; which

scrupulously lead the hunter to his den.

When the nefarious robber stealthily crept across the soil; he left me dumbfounded; clad in the blackest of attire; with a snake hood camouflaging his face,

However he left behind a volley of deplorable footprints; which helped the police to trace and apprehend him.


And when she walked on the cold floor with bare feet; it shivered as if

caressed by a celestial fairy; having just descended from the realms of heaven,

Also the footprints that she left behind were perfectly synchronized; were the

most mesmerizing that I had ever sighted on the trajectory of this earth.