Hide and Seek - Part 8 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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He rambunctiously gallivanted through the dense shrubs; swirled at gay abandon

on extruding creepers of animate trees,

Tenaciously rubbed rotund pieces of flint stone; to incinerate a smokeless fire,

Feasted himself on clusters of ripened bananas; a conglomerate of wild apple and succulent fruit,

Viciously attacked savage beasts; strangulating the same by mercilessly grabbing their slender necks,

Garrulously gulped water from the fresh water springs; stooping as low as he could to submerge his face entirely in the ravishing water,

Philandered merrily through cloistered underground caves; basking in the gleam of the glittering gold coins; with his pet rattler wound round his neck,

Audaciously crept his hands into venomous spider webs; passionately fondling with its serrated tentacles,

Replicated the voices of a host of birds with astoundingly similarity; meticulously deciphering the meaning conveyed therein,

Clambered up with nonchalant ease; a cluster of tall trees with the uncanny agility of a mongoose,

Didn’t mind ravenous mosquitoes sucking his blood; inviting them chivalrously to bite his skin,

Intrepidly battled the hostile crocodile on the marshy swamps; snapping apart its jaws into minuscule fragments,

Had a severe abhorrence for alien tourists; marauding his privacy with a fleet of boats and contemporary contrivances,

Possessed infinite pairs of bulging muscles; which glistened magnificently under the golden sun,

Had incongruous wisps of long hair cascading freely down his back; abnormally

large peripheral eyes resembling the moon,

Ate sumptuous fish raw; after catching them from fathomless distances beneath the pellucid stream,

Rode bareback throughout the meandering forest; sitting majestically on the back of a striped panther,

Could stare unrelentingly at sun for hours; without flinching the slightest

portion of his lids,

Communicated adroitly with the wildlife circumventing; using a plethora of vibrant insinuations,

Had an armory of pearly teeth; which crept up enchantingly from under his luscious lips,

Was oblivious to the prevailing time; day and month of the unveiling year; wholesomely relying on the sun and moon to guide his way through,

He had been left years ago by his mother; amongst a cluster of savage wolves,

Suckled milk from the protuberant teats of his lion mother; sleeping quietly as an angel against her fur coated belly,

With a threadbare piece of loin cloth being his sole attire since times immemorial; he was adeptly christened by all as tarzan of the jungle.