Hide and Seek - Part 8 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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He served umpteenth a dish at the bark of a crisp command; with twin pair of eyes focused dead straight towards the table,


Nimbly took a plethora of orders; from famished customers to satiate their gluttony,


Made frequent rounds to the kitchen; conversing loquaciously with the rotund chef,


Greeted all those who entered the hotel; with an amicably appearing congenial smile,


Instigated his fellow counterparts; to bustle back to work; reciting to them a rustic joke,


Scrupulously cleaned the dishes after they were rampantly used; picking up the most inconspicuous of loiter from the floor,


Meticulously arranged the armory of crimson rose in their respective jars; made sure that all candles rose up to a handsome flame,


Ran instantaneously to the sound of tinkling bells over the counter; glued his vision towards the screen flashing multiple items of food,


Occasionally listened to a volley of hostile expletives from his clients; for not adhering immaculately to requirements of their taste,


Was immensely pleased at witnessing the exorbitantly affluent; envisaging the fat tips they would bestow upon his impoverished persona,


Shivered incessantly in the biting cold; clad in threadbare minimum of cloth to drape his demeanor,


Voraciously sketched a battalion of faces; sitting on his bohemian stool; in his spare time,


Swayed articulately to beats of pulsating music at intermittent intervals; to reinvigorate his dreary passengers,


Hoisted innocuous toddlers high in the air; dexterously catching them single handed; to grant ailing mothers some reprieve from the tyranny of their children,


Had gladly incorporated a list of appetizing dishes; as his daily jargon; sometimes inadvertently whispering the names of cooked items in his dreams,


Magnificently controlled his temper; trying to avoid the most minuscule of altercation if possible,


Worked like a clockwork machine; inexorably all throughout the monotonous day,


Slept in a cloistered room all chilly night; profoundly detesting the next day to unveil; the nondescript rigmarole of taking orders,


Wore a flabby cap; shielding his rubicund face; a neat tie dangling unsolicitedly from his collar,


There were tears gushing from his eyes when I addressed him by his first name; for he was literally oblivious to all other sounds; except for that dreaded voice stringently calling him waiter come here please.