Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I wanted to flood barren sheets of paper with infinite lines of embossed literature,

I wanted to flood the sprawling lands of desert with awesome amounts of slippery sand,

I wanted to flood the dry beds of the seasonal river with lots of fresh water,

I wanted to flood crystalline blue patches of the bald sky with diabolically grey clouds,

I wanted to flood stripped branches of the autumn tree with a battalion of lush

green leaves,

I wanted to flood dilapidated crevices of the mansion wall with coats of

scrupulous paint,

I wanted to flood profusely oozing wounds on the body with antiseptic powder,

I wanted to flood undulating slopes of the colossal mountain with scintillating sheets of snow,

I wanted to flood hollow burrows of the red ant family with bountiful chinks of italian bread,

I wanted to flood the eyes of people who were blind with indispensable sight,

I wanted to flood shattered panes of window; with arrays of pellucid glass,

I wanted to flood dismally empty tanks of the sedan with reinvigorating petrol,

I wanted to flood the fathomless well beside my house with surplus quantity of animate frog,

I wanted to flood the lungs of a dead man with bountiful and clean air,

I wanted to flood long stretches of the cable wire with white currents of electricity,

I wanted to flood naked patches of skin displayed with sacrosanct garment,

I wanted to flood the rusty nails lying dispersed on the ground with lots of resplendent color,

I wanted to flood the magnanimous persona of saline sea with a flurry of ravishing waves,

I wanted to flood the morose faces of individuals in anguish with blissful smiles,

I wanted to flood the mutilated silhouette of the crippled with inevitable bone,

I wanted to flood the empty bowl of the impoverished with life yielding food,

I wanted to flood the picturesquely embellished jar with fragrant rose,

And most importantly I wanted to flood the tenderly tangible heart of my

beloved; with overwhelming love.