Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The stray dog on the street had an inevitable instinct to wag its bushy tail

when ecstatic,

Garrulously bark at irate trespassers; who hurled irregular stones at its shriveled persona.


The leotard skinned cat; had an insatiable instinct to lap vigorously at frosty milk,

Purr in its ubiquitously pungent voice; when tickled intensely in the ribs.


The twin horned cow; had an involuntary instinct of swishing its slender tail;

to drive away buzzing flies,

Laboriously chewed loads of grass; before preparing to snooze on the bare tarmac.


A battalion of ants on the floor; had inborn instincts of walking in groups,

Injected their acrimonious sting; the moment they sighted bare flesh in proximity.


The birds soaring high in sapphire carpets of satin clouds; had effusive instincts of chirping melodiously,

Did so at the onset of every evanescent dawn; and the unveiling of stormy night.


The slimy frogs residing in shallow realms of the cloistered pond; had a disdainful instinct to croak,

The instant tumultuous showers of rain; pelted down from the sky in fury.


A cluster of animate roses emanating from brown soil; had a perpetual instinct

to diffuse fragrance,

Sleep with its articulate petals closed; as vigils of dusk strangulated bright light.


The serrated brown lizard on the wall; had a vindictive instinct of spurting blood from its eyes,

The instants it got provoked by kin; envisaged signals of being mutilated.


The frivolous monkey perched up in the entwined branches of tree; had mischievous instincts to imitate,

As he cast his eyes on surrounding organisms; scrupulously emulating their plethora of emotions.


And humans breathing air on sacrosanct soil of the universe; had a natural instinct to love,

Mutually interact; spreading waves of harmony, bliss, and compassion,

Procreating infinite numbers of their own kind,

Irrespective of cast; creed; religion and the hour of day they were born and witnessed first rays of brilliant Sunlight