Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I used it to scrape streaks of blatant dirt; adhering languidly to my neck,

Rubbed it vigorously against my bare skin; the instant I felt petulant sensations of itching.


I dipped it in a barrel of aromatic paint; keeping It immersed in a concoction of flamboyant color,

Slapped it hard against the barren wall; inundating her surface with reinvigorating opalescent color.


I used it as a broomstick to swipe off tones of obnoxious dust; applying tumultuous pressure on its fragile persona,

Buried it deep beneath the ground for few seconds; to evacuate pugnacious worms.


I caressed it gently against my nostril; applying its noninvasive hair to my lips,

Produced a deafening sneeze soon after; as an inevitable aftermath of the application.


I held it high In the air; clenching it tightly in my rubicund palms,

Swirled it unrelentingly in right angled patterns; using it as a contrivance for seeking indispensable help.


I melted it in crackling fires; transforming its body into a shriveled wire,

Painted the same with pure gold; winding it dexterously against my slender neck.


I used it to wipe my effusive tears; holding it in close proximity of my intricate eye,

Pressing it against my heavy eyelids; to gently massage exhausted arenas of my brain.


I rotated it wildly in the arid autumn breeze; trying to assassinate a fleet of ominous mosquitoes,

Trying to impregnate waves of uncanny terror in all insects hovering around; perched innocuously in dark corners.


I fitted its head with a metallic cap; embossing it with fluorescent color,

Even had the audacity to fix it in my pocket; substituting nicely for my fountain pen.


My toothbrush however looked the best; when coated with a flimsy layer of germicidal toothpaste,

Scrubbed onerously against the periphery of my disdainfully yellow teeth; imparting them a scintillating shine.