Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I burnt a cluster of succulent green leaves; torching the same with the

poignant matchstick,

There arose a faded green smoke in the air; causing my intricate eyes to profusely  tear.


When I burnt solid crusts of white wax; holding it in the brilliant candle flame,

Infinite streams of hot liquid ran down my palms; diffusing into grey smoke; embossing them with blotches of burnt black.


When I burnt gigantic sheets of plastic with my cigarette lighter; there emanated clouds of achromatic smoke,

It look marathon hours to burn; producing the most unbearable stench I had ever smelt.


When I burnt mountains of brown mud; igniting the same with hot embers of coal; the colossal structure simply refrained to burn,

There arose dying wisps of smoke in the atmosphere; and the tumultuous heat produced made me flee and run.


When I burnt enormous bundles of white cotton; after submerging the same in

disdainful kerosene,

There were clouds of black smoke engulfing all in proximity; with occasional

flufs of distorted cloth entering my eye.


When I burnt lush green grass sprawled on the meadows; inducing sinister

current from a copper wire,

There arose frigid blue smoke; incarcerating the air; which repulsively tickled my nostril; making me puke out consumed food.


When I burnt live cables of electricity suspended on the streets; firing a volley of lead bullet,

There arose white smoke in the air blended with golden sparks; and I ran like a panther; for fear of being electrocuted.


When I burnt fetid sewage decaying in an oblivious heap; with blazing sticks of fire,

There arose crimson smoke in the air; and the odor was so obnoxious; that it

entered through my ears when I closed my nose.


When burnt a close compatriot of mine; placing his lifeless form over a bundle

of dry rosewood,

There arose a wheatish smoke in the air; I reminisced all his actions; and the nostalgia made me cry.


And eventually when I burnt myself; immolating my demeanor with pure gasoline,

The smoke that arose in the air was brilliant red; and the fragrance was the most emollient of all; as it contained profound traces of her heart; portraying the

essence of our love.