Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I pricked a large bubble impregnated with acid; infinite droplets of fumes flew all over my persona,

Transforming my glowing skin; into complete shambles of pathetic brown; and I emitted a few tears unable to bear the anguish.


When I pricked minuscule bubbles of soap emanating from the bathtub; a pungent

spray flew in my eyes,

It was as if someone had hurled tones of chili powder; and the interiors of my eye developed a severe red allergy.


When I pricked rotund bubbles incorporated with honey; sweet globs of liquid

fell on my face,

I felt nice in the beginning; but it soon became a disdainful nuisance; as clusters of stinging ants clambered up at fast pace.


When I pricked plastic bubbles looking thoroughly inflated; a sudden gush of

stale air rushed across my lips,

There was a deafening roar produced that inundated my ears; and for the next

few minutes I was unable to decode sound.


When I pricked bubbles filled with crimson blood; my immaculate clothes

acquired blotches of red,

A sickening smell encompassed the ambience; and I felt like vomiting out

consumed food; wanting to eliminate the process of death.


When I pricked bubbles compactly filled with frozen ice; tiny nuggets of ice

cascaded down my neck,

Umpteenth hair on my body stood up due to impact of the bitter cold; and my

teeth started to violently clatter.


When I pricked frothy bubbles wafting out of a stray dogs mouth; a fountain of

water gently caressed my face,

A fetid stench arose in the air; and I knew I had an overwhelming chance of contracting deadly rabies.


When I pricked bubbles drifting from the periphery of sizzling hot tea; blistering sprays of water collided with my face,

Scalding sensitive arenas of my silhouette as they trickled down my chest; also my body smelt of tea leaf for remainder of the day.


When I pricked bubbles generated by the ravishing sea waves; salty foam struck

me stringently in my face,

My eyes started to profusely water; with an inevitable sensation to scratch painstakingly developing all throughout.


Eventually when I pricked the colossal bubble of our perennial love; there was

a rainfall of fragrant water; that imprisoned us in bonds of immortal embrace,

And there were many more such bubbles which proliferated every unleashing

minute; uniting us for the present and many births to unveil in the distant future