Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I punched a bag replete with mud; overflowing to the brim with bountiful

food grain,

There flew tones of dust in the still air; of which some it settled on my nose;

partially obscuring my vision.


When I punched an inflated balloon in its midriff; infinite molecules of gas escaped in fury,

There was an obstreperous sound produced; which almost ripped apart intricate

arenas of my eardrum.


When I punched the colossal sized melon with my fists; the shell broke open

into incommensurate halves,

A myriad of fleshy splinters flew everywhere in the air; and the slimy juice languidly cascaded down my immaculate face.


When I punched the solid baked brick; exerting tumultuous pressure against its navel,

Shards of disdainful concrete entered my crystalline eye; along with a series of fracture that enveloped my knuckle.


When I punched the heavyweight champion in the solar plexus; there was a myriad of fetid sweat droplets that stung me with alacrity,

His esteem got thoroughly provoked; and he pulverized me to dust displaying his overpowering brawn.


When I punched biscuits of pure gold; glittering impeccably in the enchanting


My fingers acquired faint tinges of yellow; and I profoundly regretted the wastage

that I had produced.


When I punched the venomous reptile that hung from the tree; trying to

frivolously fondle with its skin,

The monster bared its fangs in vindication; hissing vociferously and eventually inserting its deadly poison in my flesh.


When I punched the assembly of scintillating mirror; it diffused into a myriad

of minuscule fragments,

My reflection now appeared comically distorted; and droplets of crimson blood

oozed from my palms as an aftermath.


When I punched the power horn in the truck; applying unrelenting pressure from

my wrists,

There was a deafening noise that was produced; instantly overpowering the

natural ethos prevailing in atmosphere.


And finally when I punched my heart; using the full power of my hands,

There echoed only once voice; there seemed only one face; and there seemed

only one God; and all of them were my mesmerizing beloved.