Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I was drowning in a sea of grease; I felt severely asphyxiated,

Indispensable breath seemed to be relinquishing my body fast; I also felt the

unbearable stench inundate my nose.


When I was drowning in a sea of blood; I felt a sickening feeling strangulate

my intestines,

There was a deathly red color that camouflaged my vision in entirety; and the

desire to live now seemed to be dwindling in my persona.


When I was drowning in a sea of fuming acid; umpteenth pores on my skin got

horrendously charred,

I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer; the heat finally overpowered me choking my breath.


When I was drowning in a sea of silvery sand; clogged balls of mud stuck

intransigently to my silhouette,

The colossal burden of soil seemed preposterously bulky to bear; and I emancipated breath with loud sighs and groans.


When I was drowning in a sea of red wine; I initially relished the aroma and

ravishing taste,

However as minutes unleashed themselves rapidly; the same elixir became a

profound nuisance; and I succumbed disparagingly.


When I was drowning in a sea of obnoxious petrol; the gasoline left me

helpless with a piquant feeling,

I prayed to the creator for granting me reprieve from my plethora of misdeeds;

but in the end halted my cells from functioning after entering rampantly in my



When I was drowning in a sea of pressurized gas; the vapors initially made me dreary,

Painstakingly catapulted my demeanor to heights of complete unconsciousness; and leading to ghastly death.


When I was drowning in a sea of white electricity; a battalion of insidious sparks caressed me with vindication,

I got instantly electrocuted; and didn’t even have the time to reminisce my past.


When I was drowning in a sea of hatred blended profusely with corruption; nefarious deeds of the society plundering heavily on my conscience,

I forcefully closed my breath refraining to live any further; although the world did give me a slim chance.


And eventually when I was drowning in a sea of love; her eyelashes tickling my forehead,

The incense of her love igniting undiscovered passion in my body; I lived; and

not only did I live; I now dictated and preached the same to all I encountered in the tenure of my life.