Hilaria: The Festive Board by Charles Morris - HTML preview

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At the play among loungers and doxies you’re cramm’d,

To hear wretched stuff that has just not been damn’d;

Take cold with your back ’gainst an open door box,

Get a crick in the neck, and a c— full of p—x!


Sublime your sensations, arise, when you hear

The codless Italian, with pipe shrill and clear;

But we in the country, whom cocknies call clods,

All glory in raising our pipes with our—c—ds.


At night, half seas over, returning from club,

You run foul of a nightman, and his nose-gay tub;


And a jordan perhaps, on your noddle may split,

So before you get home, you’re bepiss’d or be-s—t!


In the country to see us would do your hearts good,

Such pieces we push at, of pure flesh and blood;

Take a flyer in town, ’tis a hot butter’d bun,

And you’re certain to pay thro’ your nose for the fun.


At the playhouse or opera when you approach,

How sweet to be stuck in a stinking hack-coach;

And when you alight, still your patience to try,

A strange hand’s in your pocket, a link’s in your eye.