Hilaria: The Festive Board by Charles Morris - HTML preview

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When the radiant rob’d Goddess of liberty shed

Her influence divine o’er our isle,

From her power omnipotent—tyranny fled,

And Britannia, long griev’d, wore a smile.




Vive le Roi, Huzza, Huzza, Vive le Roi!


The soldier, the sailor, the people, impell’d

By freedom’s celestial flame,

King William enthron’d, in whose worth was beheld

Each virtue true freedom cou’d claim:

Vive le Roi, &c.


The vet’ran high soaring on Victory’s wing,

Whose motto is “Conquer or Die!”

To meet the reward of his country and king,

On Hope’s full-plum’d pinion shall fly.

Vive le Roi, &c.


Ne’er shall lawless ambition maintain its career,

Nor shall faction with freedom contend;

For the rights of the Crown we, as FREEMEN, revere,

And as BRITONS are bound to defend.

Vive le Roi, &c.


Tho’ foes to the Crown, our mild Monarch’s fair fame

May with envy envenom’d decry;

Yet, such poisonous darts of detraction’s foul aim,

Both his courage and virtue defy.

Vive le Roi, &c.


Each heart then, enliven’d by loyalty’s cause,

Push the soul-stirring wine swiftly round;

Exclaim in a volley of joy and applause,

For the nation re-echoes the sound.

Vive le Roi, &c.