I Am That I Am! by Nádia Perla - HTML preview

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Respect, Respect, Respect

Respect is knowing deeply the hearts of others,

Accepting their true, intense, unchanging Divine Being.

Respect is never intentionally hurt the same ones,

And yet, never provoke their ego to upset their tact.


Respect is to embrace the feelings of our universal family,

Understanding their dysfunctions, "buttons" and giant pains. Respect is reminding them of the science of their normal knowledge,

What is their pure love, eternal wisdom, light, and beautiful colors!


Respect is understanding that to allow crying isn´t a weakness,

But it´s a release of all the negative energies in us.

And as much as they say that deep depression is this sadness,

Remember that the angels are with us. We aren´t alone!


Respect, Respect, Respect,

That's all I want inside me!

Respect, Respect, Respect,

Always sharing with everyone, without end!


Respect is forgiving those who don't understand us, love and accept,

For they are only in a hypnotic state of numbness.

Respect is letting them go and giving them the opportunity to harvest,

So that they can finally see the light of self-knowledge.

Respect is to listen and follow the voice of our beautiful beloved heart guide,

Always trusting in our eternal, wise and true inner voice.

Respect is facing our fears with proper and correct action,

Even if our mind says the opposite and shouts that it will cause pain.

Respect is breathing consciously with each new miraculous day, Feeling its own warm, immeasurable and loving energy.

Respect is expressing pure gratitude in every moment so tasty

That the universe presents us as unimaginable and beautiful magic.


Respect, Respect, Respect,

That's all I want inside me!

Respect, Respect, Respect,

Always sharing with everyone, without end!