If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Infinite bodies had pathetically shriveled into

nothingness; as blistering rays of the Sun unsparingly

blazed left; right and profuse center,


Whirlpools of obnoxiously debilitating sweat oozed

from umpteenth arenas of the body; as boundless scores

of innocuous organisms; reeled under the vicious

onslaught of sweltering heat,


Fathomless kilometers of panoramically lush green

land; now disdainfully metamorphosed into torturously

slithering and lambasted deserts,


Pristine flakes of spell binding snow perched

delectably on the mountaintops; now abominably melted

in meek submission; under the ferocious inferno of the simmering afternoon,


The boisterously vivacious branches of the mystical

forests; now bore a sullenly barren look; as the

leaves mercilessly crackled under the outrageously

fuming Sun,


Unfathomable hordes of innocuously philandering

cattle; were now rendered to disgustingly hollow

skeletons of sordid dilapidation; as the soil

penuriously scorched everything in conceivable



The corporate tycoon now looked like an insane lunatic

with bloodshot eyes; as the most spell bindingly

impeccable of his shirt; was now enveloped in

abhorrent pools of grime and sweat,


The most tenaciously resilient of abodes now creaked

an inconspicuous trifle; cursing till beyond realms of

eternal eternity; as the wave of summer horrendously

augmented its acrid propensity,


The most voluptuous nimble and enchanting soles; now

barbarically bled at all quarters; as the earth on

which they holistically transgressed; had now

transformed itself into insidiously torching charcoal,


Denizens sluggishly snubbed each other in truculent

exasperation; as diabolical rays of the unrelenting

Sun; austerely pulverized their dormitories of

exotically bountiful fantasy,


The most majestic of lions in the inscrutable jungle;

dastardly retreated into their caves; unbelievably

forgiving their prey; as the treacherously unruly heat

took firm roots into their fur,


Children wholesomely forgot their innocently

replenishing smiles; as the day progressed more

tyrannically than ever; putting hideously crippling

brakes on even the most infinitesimal of their



The newly wedded relinquished all desire to love; as

the only thing that they were remorsefully overwhelmed

with; was the adversely admonishing and severely

reprimanding light of the midday Sun,


All anecdotes of irrefutably sparkling honesty; now

converted into the graveyard of blatantly manipulative

lies; as entities staggered more brutally than ever

under the salaciously whipping carpet of ominous summer,


The squirrels and kangaroos now transgressed as slow

as the pot-bellied tortoise; feeling the

preposterously invidious heat horrifically hamper

their otherwise; astoundingly vivacious reflexes,


Resplendent river levels had dramatically reduced;

with an unsurpassable army of crabs; snakes and ants;

frantically scurrying out of the mud every now and

again; as the earth cooked like an unstoppable volcano inside,


The most lightening paced of rambunctious spiders now

sat dolorously in one corner of their den; wholesomely

fatigued in the onerously persevering heat; to

ecstatically reconstruct their broken webs,


Fireballs of sensuously drifting and timelessly

exhilarating breath; now seemed as frantically last

bid to enter the gory corpse; in a valiantly vain

attempt to elope from the tumultuous heat,


The passionately palpitating beats of the immortal heart; were slowly losing their fervency; too exhausted in pumping blood for the pugnaciously sapped and burnt body; rather than pulsate for the spirit of unassailable love,


And if there was ever an invincibly singleton solution

to all of the above; then it was nothing but the most

pricelessly proliferating form of the ALMIGHTY LORD ;