If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The day swelteringly blazed in the tyranny of

unrelentingly acrimonious heat; disdainfully simmering

with abominably intolerable harshness,

While an unfathomable pearl of majestic enchantment;

was the entrenchment of the fabulously titillating and

frosty night.


The day relentlessly scorched even the most minuscule

of entity that came in the trajectory of its vicious

swirl; charring blissful angels into a pool of

unbearably smoldering perspiration,

While a resplendently melodious festoon of enigmatic

voices; was the fabric of the sensuously enamoring and

voluptuous night.


The day hideously burnt fathomless islands of

poignantly nubile skin; invidiously tanning even the

most impeccably scintillating patches of princely white,

While a maelstrom of unendingly romantic titillation;

a world of eternally tranquil freedom; was the

bedsheet of the miraculously everlasting night.


The day propelled insanely ominous abuse; as the

unsparing heat of the ferociously truculent Sun

brutally asphyxiated priceless reserves of liquid from

the; pathetically staggering body,

While a garland of profoundly heartwarming

graciousness; seductively placating the thirst of one

and all handsomely alike; was the ravishingly queenly

aroma of the marvelously embellished night.


The day was horrendously indescribable; with the

mercury soaring literally out of the thermometer;

barbarically torching boundless kilometers of celestial

land and atmosphere,

While an unsurpassable stream of tantalizing

effervescence; was the wave of the ebulliently dancing

and charismatic night.


The day was ungainly traumatic; with diabolical chains

of gorily boiling heat diabolically jeopardizing the

lives of all those innocuously harmonious,

While a gloriously bountiful cushion of amiable

togetherness; a cistern of spell binding empathy; was

the profusely compassionate inferno of the regale



The day was a stagnantly debilitating pond of sordid

perspiration; as every organism on this planet

inevitably broke into despicable sweat; under the

blistering cauldron of ever-augmenting heat,

While a nimbly obeisant salutation to the Almighty

Lord; an incantation of fascinating timelessness; was

the effusively chirping garden of the vivaciously

phlegmatic night.


The day was an unavoidable nightmare that every entity

on this colossal Universe had to live through;

manipulatively struggling amidst the hostile horde of

bloodsucking wolves to earn their quintessential livelihood,

While a ubiquitous ocean of philanthropic brotherhood;

a magical river in which all uninhibitedly melanged

irrespective of caste; creed or spurious color; was

the mesmerizing intoxication of the wonderfully

moonlit night.


And a derogatorily devilish betrayer was the

unprecedentedly flaming day; insidiously snapping even

the most celestial of relationships; as lambasting

heat triggered tempers to disconcertingly flare,

While an unassailably grandiloquent smile of

friendship; an immortally unshakable bond of divine

love; a harbinger of peace and serenely humanitarian

friendship; was the invincible sky of the gorgeously

heavenly night.