If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I felt waves of unparalleled enchantment

circumvent my persona,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; nascent pores embedded in my skin sprung

up with exuberant intensity,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I felt waves of marathon despair deeply

embodied in me; vanish into thin wisps of oblivion,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I felt besieged by volatile

gushes of resplendent light,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; stale pools of air in my lungs got

profoundly reinvigorated; revitalizing my dreary senses,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I felt innovative perceptions about

beauty circulating wildly through intricate pores of my mind,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I felt newly born droplets of sweat

trickle down my nape; washing away sins of the previous day,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I felt golden beams of light

gently caress my obscured eyes,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I felt an unprecedented vigor suddenly

impregnate my feeble veins,

When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I felt a compassionate warmth engulfing me from all sides; annihilating completely the barbaric chill I had encountered in the night,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I felt my legs rhythmically sway; my ears absorbedly focused to melodious chirping of the humming bird,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I felt catapulted to supreme heights of ecstasy;

with benevolent feelings of forgiveness slowly creeping in my soul,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I felt the palpitations of my

heart grow faster; loads of enthusiasm embodied in my blood,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I felt the color of my skin

dramatically change;

 it had now acquired tinges of robust crimson; profusely replacing patches of pallid flesh,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; it made me retrospect more nostalgically

about my past; forming a pellucid picture of my entity,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I felt inundated with images of celestial gods; hovering very near my silhouette,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I made a plethora of resolutions before

commencing nondescript activities of the day,


When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I pictured all my ancestors

living in

coordinated harmony as the rays emanating out,

When I saw the sun rising in the sky; I dreamt about my love which was

immortal as the perpetual shine,


And when I saw the sun rising in the sky; I conceived a new beginning to life;

felt like bestowed with another opportunity to prove my mettle in this

unsparing world.