If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Believe me. Trees astoundingly procreate like we do;

the fruits that they compassionately bear for times

immemorial; is an irrefutably invincible testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees are as equally emotional as us; the

whispers that they timelessly emanate into at the

tiniest insinuation of crackling thunder; is an

brilliantly undaunted testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees symbiotically defecate like we do;

the sporadically formed pools of moisture near their

stem; is an marvelously undettered testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees uninhibitedly diffuse into

unsurpassable happiness like we do; the beautifully

unfettered rustling of their leaves at the first rays

of golden dawn; is a regally vibrant testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees dance as vivaciously as we do; the

ebulliently enchanting swaying of their branches at

the onset of ecstatically blessed spring; is a

marvelously spell-binding testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees get as blissfully mesmerized as we

do; the impeccable sheath of poignant dew on their

leaves every milky midnight; is a unfathomably

impregnable testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees get as naturally fatigued as we do;

the pathetically drooping periphery of their demeanor

at impoverished sunset; is a spectacularly unshakable

testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees have as much unhindered sensuality

as we do; the freshly born tendrils unassailably

clinging to the branches under spurts of torrentially

rhapsodic rain; is a bountifully undeniable

testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees are as thunderously volatile as us;

their metamorphosing into an unimaginably anguished

scarlet at the sight of innocent being mercilessly

beheaded beside them; is an unflinchingly peerless

testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Tees are as uncannily secretive as us; the

surreptitiously mystical reverberating of their stalks

at the settling of darkness; is an incorrigibly

irretrievable testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees are as diminutively erring as us;

the intermittent oomph’s of frustration wafting from

their imperfectly corrugated persona all day and

night; is a supremely infallible testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees are as fantastically innovative as

us; the incessant unfurling of limitlessly panoramic

beauty from their visage every moment; is an

irrevocably unnerving testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees harbor the same sense of united

oneness as we do; their altruistically sharing their

fruit with organisms of every caste; creed and color

alike; is an immutably handsome testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees are blessed with the same aura of

tireless perseverance as we are; their slowly and

slowly culminating into gigantically unparalleled

foliage from just a minuscule seed; is an indomitably

royal testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees are as insuperably eclectic as us;

their amazingly tenacious grit to acclimatize to every

season; storm and rain, singing; blossoming;

defending; sequestering; all at the same time; is a

pricelessly sacred testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees are as incredulously reactive as us;

the curling of their branches at the tiniest innuendo

of danger and unfurling of their leaves full throttle

at the first beams of fresh morning; is an

unbelievably miraculous testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees are as sacredly worshipping as us;

their inexhaustibly existing in synergy with God’s

unceasingly vivid environment; is a boundlessly

effulgent testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees are as much holistically breathing

as us; the wind perpetually exhaling from even the

most infinitesimal pore of their emolliently serrated

skin; is an unconquerably undefeated testimonial to the same.


Believe me. Trees are as immortally loving as us; the

unbreakable relationships that they form with every

conceivably philanthropic entity of the atmosphere and

beyond; is a timelessly exemplary testimonial to the same.


So. The Next time you think of chopping a tree for

“Paper” or spuriously turgid bonfires to passionately

enlighten your every dreary night; remember that you’d

be insanely annihilating one human of your own kind,


Instead. I’d humbly suggest friends. Please switch over to Lightening fast and non-invasively state-of-the-art Modern Technology. Please switch over to the unlimitedly bountiful Internet. Please switch over to harmlessly innocuous; yet majestically sparkling and ETERNAL E-PAPER.