If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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It was a bundle of overwhelmingly sparkling joy;

please don’t mercilessly maraud its flesh; with your

obnoxiously uncouth nails,


It was a sacrosanct leaf of freshly blossoming life;

please don’t invidiously inundate its immaculate

brain; with your horrendously truculent tales of

bizarre manipulation,


It was a fairy having just descended from the heart of

celestial sky; please don’t gruesomely maim it with

your indiscriminately cold-blooded stride,


It was the ultimate fulfilling fantasy of any two

perpetual lovers; please don’t heinously strangulate

the last iota of breath from its innocuously godly

body; with your infernos of undescribably sordid malice,


It was a quintessentially ardent constituent in God’s

chapter of timeless procreation; please don’t ghastily

blind it forever; even before it could open its

mesmerizing eyes,


It was an Omnipotent lantern illuminating countless

dwellings besieged with disparaging despair; please

don’t ruthless snap its hands; with your fangs of

vindictive hatred,


It was an unassailable harbinger of humanity; please don’t venomously poison its holistically vibrant soul; with your lecherously stinking world of politics and crime,


It was an astoundingly eclectic and unconquerable

prince; please don’t lay a battlefield of your

pugnaciously acrid thorns in whatever path that it

crawled and blissfully tread,


It was a fountain of inexorably unending happiness;

please don’t satanically thrash its ears; with your

whips of derogatorily unforgivable savagery,


It was an everlastingly smiling doll which embraced

all mankind; please don’t sinfully replace its

bountifully adorable laughter; with your ghoulish

teardrops of torturously penalizing hell,


It was the most divine fantasy of every organism

alive; please don’t hideously cripple its unblemished

originality; with your disparaging greed and

ostracizing prejudice,


It was an unparalleled jewel of the poignant eye;

please don’t salaciously rip apart its skin; with your

profusely blood stained and barbaric butcher knife,


It was a blessing from the cosmos to all fraternity of

mankind breathing and alive; please don’t trade its

innocently benign flesh; for your sinister wads of

debasing money,


It was the most impregnable Sun of tomorrow; a spell

bindingly guiding light; please don’t horrifically

confound its boundless resplendence; with your

cloudcovers of treacherously gory night,


It was an unfathomable cistern of perennial

enchantment; please don’t bawdily kick it with your

bohemian toes; always sunk way beneath the graveyards

of insane lifelessness,

It was the greatest star ever shining on marvelous

earth divine; please don’t brutally plagiarize it with

corpses of illiteracy and pernicious sodomy; instead

of gifting it with effulgent toys,


It was a horizon which had absolutely no end; please

don’t vengefully asphyxiate its chords of celestial

existence; with the disdainful abhorrence for all

surviving; ostensibly burgeoning in your eyes,


It was an immortal heartbeat pulsating with

unstoppable life; please don’t tyrannically deprive it

of all the fathomless tributaries of love; that it was

destined to assimilate every unfurling minute of its

beautiful life,


In the name of the Omnipresent Almighty Lord O! Devil;

please don’t in anyway harm the new born child; even

if your desire to kill transcends everything else on

this planet; you can readily take my life; but please

don’t harm the child; don't you dare harm the freshest

outcry of newborn life