If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Golden were the moments; when I gallivanted through

the rain soaked hills; with the boisterous chirping of

the sparrows being my everlastingly exhilarating rhyme,


Golden were the moments; when I swam uninhibitedly in

the marvelously undulating sea; with an unfathomable

cascade of tangy froth; insurmountably tantalizing

each of my monotonously dreary senses,


Golden were the moments; when I unrelentingly

whispered with the enigmatically rustling trees;

profusely blending even the most infinitesimal of my

senses with the winds of inimitably ebullient ecstasy,


Golden were the moments; when I poignantly danced with

the resplendent peacocks; euphorically relishing every

bit of majestically crimson cloud; in the fathomless

firmament of blue sky,


Golden were the moments; when I indefatigably floated

in the aisles of unsurpassable fantasy; tirelessly

conceiving the exuberantly unending beauty of this

bountifully boundless earth,


Golden were the moments; when I was an immaculate

child; wholesomely bereft of even the most

inconspicuous vagaries of existence; blissfully

bouncing in the lap of my divinely sacrosanct mother,


Golden were the moments; when I had first stepped into

the dormitories of school; ingratiatingly relishing

the camaraderie of my mates; erupting into compassionate whirlpools of laughter at even the tiniest of provocation,


Golden were the moments; when I felt the blazingly

beautiful rays of the morning Sun; Omnisciently

healing even the most inexplicable trace of disease;

invidiously enshrouding my nimble countenance,


Golden were the moments; when I relentlessly rolled on

gregariously fresh grass; sensuously inhaling the

tantalizing aroma of glistening dewdrops; as the Moon

glimmered to its most profound radiance in the cosmos,


Golden were the moments; when I suckled honey from the

melodiously brimming hives; embellishing my

impoverished visage with the astronomically

aristocratic sweetness of the Mother Nature,


Golden were the moments; when I clambered like an

untamed chimpanzee upon the mystically philandering

hills; drifted in surreal unison with the romantically

gorgeous clouds; for centuries unprecedented,


Golden were the moments; when I smelt the unbelievably

effulgent lotus; profusely drowning my mind; body and

wavering soul; into an unsurpassable ocean of

chivalrously fabulous scent,


Golden were the moments; when I played with the

rollicking crabs on the pristine seashores; with the

majestic froth of the titillating sea handsomely

tingling each of my haplessly staggering breath,


Golden were the moments; when I innocuously flirted

with ravishingly nubile maidens in the realms of

ardent desire; igniting fires of unconquerable

passion; even in the heart of the morbidly insipid night,


Golden were the moments; when I earnestly prayed to

the Almighty Lord; philanthropically serving all

fraternities of harmoniously holistic living kind,


Golden were the moments; when I reminisced my past

with my eternal parents; irrefutably saluting all

insurmountably endless perseverance that they had

displayed to bring me up; every instant of their hard-fought life,


Golden were the moments; when I unfurled into a meadow

of fascinatingly limitless artistry; vivaciously

painting the infinite shades of existence; on the

barren canvas of my devastatingly wandering life,


Golden were the moments; when I gallivanted barefoot

under the enchantingly streaming moonlight;

beautifully submerging my entire persona in impeccable

cisterns of emollient milk,


Golden were the moments; when I regally expunged my

every breath; was triumphantly endowed by a chance

from the Almighty Lord; to celestially diffuse into

fabulously voluptuous and vibrant shades of eclectic life,


Golden were the moments; when I divinely penned down

gorgeously symbiotic poetry; profusely reveling the

countless shades of charismatic enchantment; that were

a stupendous gift from the Lord Almighty,


Golden were the moments; when I thoroughly enthralled

even the most intricate of my senses; intensely

listening to the enigmatically astounding

reverberations of the; thunderously echoing valley,


Golden were the moments; when I amiably communicated

with different tribes; caste and creed; feeling the

niceness of wonderfully royal humanity; heavenly

perpetuate every shade of my dwindling survival,


Golden were the moments; when I traced the piquant

outlines of my palms; resplendently endeavoring to

decipher the eluding trajectories of spell binding destiny,


Golden were the moments; when I timelessly lay at the

feet of my revered mother; incorrigibly following her

paths of unshakable righteousness; on every sphere of

the earth that she humbly tread,


Golden were the moments; when I feasted my penuriously

blinded eyes; on the magically proliferating winds of

glorious nature; witnessed in awe-struck splendor; as

innocent fledglings hatched in mesmerizing tandem from

their crystalline eggs,


Golden were the moments; when I patriotically marched

forward to unflinchingly lead life; resolutely pledged

to unite all mankind one and alike; even as the most

treacherously ghastly impediments tried to brutally

thwart me on my way,


But perpetual were the moments; when I fell in love;

immortally bonding every ingredient of my blood with

her godly life; as she led me like a priceless prince

through the corridors of magnificent newness; through

the fortresses of a friendship which would continue

taking birth; even after the entire earth had come to

a gruesomely stuttering end.