If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Good Morning Sunshine; thank you for filtering

stringently through my dingily dilapidate window;

embedding optimistic rays of hope in my life,


Good Morning Cuckoo; thank you for waking up my gloomy

sleep with your poignantly austere sounds,


Good Morning Grass; thank you for rejuvenating my

dreary soles; as I trespassed on your voluptuous

carpet; with your magnificent sheath of dew drops

tickling my skin to unprecedented limits,


Good Morning delectable pet; thank you for clambering

up my bed; awakening me with a pleasant jolt; as you

flapped your slippery tongue over my rubicund cheeks,


Good Morning Shirt; thank you for imparting me with

compassionate warmth; as I swung you over my naked

chest the instant I broke my reverie,


Good Morning Wife; thank you for providing me your

mesmerizing shoulders to rest upon in times of the

treacherous night,


Good Morning Ducks; thank you for quacking so

boisterously; that I became oblivious to all the

loneliness and wretched depression that heavily

circumvented my life,


Good Morning Air; thank you for so celestially wafting

into my nostrils; seductively caressing my mass of

unruly hair; to transit me higher than the heavens,


Good Morning Lotus; thank you for spreading your

ingratiatingly pink petals into full bloom; inundate

my solitary life with astronomical happiness,


Good Morning Tea; thank you for profoundly

reinvigorating my diminishing breath; fomenting me to

walk briskly forward with untamed exhilaration,


Good Morning Alarm Clock; thank you for deafeningly

puncturing my eardrum; triggering me off from

invincible sleep; when all other conceivable things

had miserably floundered,


Good Morning Water; thank you for pacifying my thirst;

inevitably providing me those few sips of liquid to

quench scorched chords of my throat; the second I

detached from horrendous dreams,


Good Morning Soap; thank you for providing me tons of

enamoring foam; which metamorphosed my bedraggled

persona into one of stupendously distinguished authority,


Good Morning National Flag; thank you for fluttering

so handsomely in the atmosphere; propelling the spirit

of patriotism to escalate unsurpassably in my veins;

the second I nimbly opened my eyelids at dawn,


Good Morning Soil; thank you for impregnably holding

the foundations of my dwelling; harboring my

inconspicuous demeanor while I slept like a new born

infant in the perilous night,


Good Morning Apple; thank you for providing me that

incredulously quick bite before I eloped for office;

prepared to kick on with my schedule for the

acrimoniously monotonous day,


Good Morning Mother; thank you for silently creeping

up beside me when I was in bouts of thunderously sound

sleep; gently caressing my hair; embodying my

shivering countenance with a sweater she had specially

knitted for me in the day,


Good Morning Tree; thank you for generating appeasing

draughts of wind that diffused through my window as

the Sun crept up in the sky; making me feel that I was

indispensably alive,


Good Morning Breath; thank you for blissfully

circulating through my lungs; enveloping me with the

tenacity to divinely pass the gruesomely precarious night,


And Good Morning World; thank you for granting me the

right to harmoniously exist amongs't you; walk

shoulder to shoulder with your blessed grace; in every

aspect of exuberant life.