If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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"Green" is enchantment unparalleled;  transforming every beleaguered

bone on disdainfully crackled earth; into a festoon of undying

replenishment till times beyond eternity,


"Green"  is the ultimate magicians wand; perpetuating every speck of

the atmosphere with a tranquil so victorious; that it became the smile of each symbiotic countenance alive,


"Green" is the most everlastingly compassionate caress of nature

divine; royally accommodating infinite organisms of different shapes, sizes, color and charm into a blanket of invincible frolic and togetherness,


"Green"  is the most pricelessly inimitable definition of freshness;

incessantly spawning into the undefeated dazzle of optimistic dawn; to enlighten the entire Universe with the colors of brilliant newness,


"Green"  is every sore eye's perpetual delight; wholesomely shrugging

off every wretched insinuation of monotonous commercialism; with the effervescent new-born foliage of earth divine,


"Green" is the most supremely mollifying tonic to the incarcerated

soul; alleviating the most inconspicuous of its sorrow with undying enigmatic whispers; which reverberated till beyond the infinite,


"Green"  is the most fragrantly uninhibited dance of every organism

alive; as the unsurpassable buckets of rain; pelted unfettered from the belly of fathomless sky,


"Green"  is the most pristine shade of prosperity at its unbelievable

hilt; shimmering like a new born child replete with only happiness in every flamboyant ray of the sun and the equally royally moonlit night,


"Green"  is the destiny which never ever dies; astoundingly

proliferating into a boundless landscapes of blooming life; which made the most parasitic robots as the greatest poets till as long as God's earth survived,


"Green" symbolizes the most blissfully perfect truce between austere

white and diabolical black; where the winds of majestic moderation transit every living being to the paths of bountiful righteousness,


"Green" nullifies the very non-existent roots of anarchic depression;

profoundly enthralling one and all in the neighborhood with the

tantalizing vivaciousness of a fairy; who'd descended down solely to magnetize rustic soil,


"Green" evokes unconquerable desire in every ingredient of the blood;

to be one and in perfect unison with Mother nature; let the unbridled beauty of her endless creations harness every aspect of impoverished



"Green" makes you the most unabashed artist alive; as you

bewilderingly fathom for the starting point and the horizons; on the

infinite canvas of the Lord's panoramic sanctuary,


"Green" makes you the most passionate lover on trajectory of the

endless planet; damning all inhibitions to the corpse as you fervently rolled into grasslands of desire—breath intermingled with the breath of your beloved,


"Green" is an ever-pervading rainbow; which charms even the most

deadened of mortuary with its rustle and innocent grace; sprinkling quintessential ounces of vibrant life wherever it mystically crept,


"Green" is the ultimate harbinger of all peace and unity on the

distraught globe; as it vanquishes every sinister trail of the

barbarously marauding devil; with the freshness of love; creation and

blessed fruits of the divine,


"Green" radiates an unshakable aura of optimism to the farthest

quarter of the world; maintaining the most unbelievably perfect

equilibrium between the sky; the earth and diminutive man trespassing in-between,


"Green" represents the free spirit of every continent; race; wind and

space under the sky; immortally continuing the chapters of God's

sacred creation; by timelessly proliferating into an infinite more of

its color and kind,


Therefore what are you waiting for. Go Green. Plant a tree in every

barren bit of space that you could lay your hands upon. And then

witness your sown children become the most undivided race of

togetherness; friendship; love and peace; even centuries after you

were dead.