In the Morning by Willis Boyd Allen - HTML preview

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Marigold, marigold, wi’ thy wee cup o’ gold,

What is it mak’s thee sae bonnie an’ gay?

Sunshine has drappit, an’ filled up my cup o’ gold

Fu’ to the brim wi’ the licht o’ the day.

Marigold, marigold, surely ye canna hold

A’ the sweet sunshine ’at draps frae the sky!

Nay, I’ve a muckle o’ licht ’at I winna hold,

Saved up for you an’ for ithers to try.

Marigold, marigold, stan’in’ there a’ sae bold,

What’s in thy een, ’at mak’s ’em sae bright?

I keep ’em wide open, stan’in’ here a’ sae bold,

Luikin’ at heaven frae mornin’ to nicht.


Marigold, marigold, bairnie wi’ cup o’ gold,

What’s i’ thy hert, ’at mak’s thee sae strang?

Trust i’ the One ’at gave me my cup o’ gold

Lattin’ Him love me, a’ the day lang.