In the Morning by Willis Boyd Allen - HTML preview

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May I come to your side, dear Mistress?

I am only a dog, you see,

And the Christmas joy and gladness

Perhaps are not meant for me.

Yet I think the Master would let me,

If I only begged to eat

The crumbs that fell from His table,

And to lie at His blessèd feet.

I have heard the wonderful story

Of the sleeping flocks by night,

Of Bethlehem and the angels

And the one Star, shining bright;


And I’ve longed, when I heard the story,

A shepherd-dog to be,

For then it might seem that Christmas

Was partly meant for me.

But I only look up at the Master

With a life that is veiled and dumb,

Content to share with the sparrow

His love, and the falling crumb.

May I lie at your feet, dear Mistress?

I am only a dog, you see,

But if I may serve you and love you,

Why, that is Christmas for me!