In the Morning by Willis Boyd Allen - HTML preview

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Deep within a mountain forest

Breezes soft are whispering

Through the dark-robed firs and hemlocks,

Over Dollie’s Spring.

Swiftly glides the tiny streamlet,

While its laughing waters sing

Sweetest song in all the woodland,


In the dim wood’s noontide shadow

Nod the ferns, and glistening

With a thousand diamond dew-drops,

Bend o’er Dollie’s Spring.

Shyly on its mossy border

Blue-eyed Dollie, lingering,

Views the sweet face in the crystal

Depths of Dollie’s Spring.


Years shall come and go, and surely

To the little maiden bring

Trials sore and joys uncounted,

While, by Dollie’s Spring,

Still the firs shall lift their crosses

Heavenward, softly murmuring

Prayers for her, where’er she wander,—

Far from Dollie’s Spring.