In the Morning by Willis Boyd Allen - HTML preview

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Sob, cold wind of the sky,

For the rest that never shall come!

The stars have gathered on high,

The moon’s white lips are dumb,

And over her face like a shroud

Lies the wrack of the drifting cloud.

Moan, dark sea of the night!

Fling up thine arms and implore

The heavens for light, sweet light,—

One sparkle along the shore

From the sun that left thee to moan

In the horror of darkness—alone.

Shudder, thou one human soul,

Forever alone in the night;


Whose billows unceasingly roll

In desolate seeking for light!

The moon’s white face is thine own,

Thine, thine the wind’s monotone.

Thyself art the night—

O God, light, light!