In the Morning by Willis Boyd Allen - HTML preview

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A mighty world is hushed to-night

In sweet expectancy;

O’er snowy field and wood the stainless light

Of the clear moon

Shines broad and free;

While peacefully the earth—

A great white throne

Prepared for One who soon

Shall rise and claim it for His own—

Awaits His birth.

The hearts of all mankind are turned

Toward lowly Bethlehem;

For in the east the wondrous Star, that burned

In days of old,

Still beckons them.


Back o’er the centuries,

Storm-swept and bare,

It moves, until, behold!

It stands above the manger where

The Young Child lies.

O Christmas chimes, right joyfully

Ring out the tidings glad

To stars and frosty air and listening sky,—

“Good-will to men!”

Till all the sad,

The weary and oppressed,

Their gifts shall bring

To Him whose birth again

Sheds peace on earth, and, worshipping,

Shall be at rest.