In the Morning by Willis Boyd Allen - HTML preview

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How bad I am, O Lord, Thou knowest,

Deserving naught that Thou bestowest,

But wandering each day


Thy gifts are perfect, never ceasing,

The debt against me still increasing,

And yet I turn to flee

From Thee!

Oft when my path is dark and narrow

There flutters down some tiny sparrow

To tell me of that love



When daylight comes, I’m e’er forgetting

The message sweet; my sins besetting

Return, my soul to stain


And so I cling to Thee, my Saviour,

Despairing by my own behavior

To cleanse myself from sin


My cares I yield—for me Thou carest;

I take my cross—its weight Thou sharest

Henceforth my will be Thine,

Not mine.