In the Morning by Willis Boyd Allen - HTML preview

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O’er Judah’s dark hill-tops the starlight is shining;

In silence the silvery light

Falls soft on the white, sleeping lambs and their shepherds,

By night.

Sleep on, trustful flocks, while shepherds are watching;

Fear not, for soon shall be born

The dear Lamb of God, in a Bethlehem manger,

This morn.

Keep watch, faithful shepherds, through gathering shadows,

Though the hillside be lonely and drear;

For lo, in the darkness the Shepherd of shepherds

Is near!


Sing on, ye bright angels, repeat the glad tidings,—

Joy, peace, and good-will on the earth;

Proclaim to the weary, the sad, and the suffering,

His birth.

Shine, radiant Star in the East, till thy glory

O’er Wise Men and manger is poured,

For Mary’s dear babe is the blessèd Christ Jesus,

Our Lord.