In the Morning by Willis Boyd Allen - HTML preview

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Within Thy holy temple have I strayed

E’en as a weary child, who from the heat

And noonday glare hath timid refuge sought

In some cathedral’s vast and shadowy aisle,

And trembling, awestruck, croucheth in his rags

Where high upreared a mighty pillar stands.

Mine eyes I lift unto the hills, from whence

Cometh my help. The murmuring firs stretch forth

Their myriad tiny crosses o’er my head;

Deep rolls the organ peal of thunder down

The echoing vale, while clouds of incense float

Around the great white altar set on high.


So lift my heart, O God, and purify

My thought, that when I walk once more

Amid the busy, anxious, struggling throng,

One cup of water from these springs of life,

One ray of sunlight from these golden days,

One jewel from the mountain’s spotless brow,

As tokens of Thy beauty, I may bear

To little ones who toil, and long for rest.